
Showing posts from August, 2017

One week to go!

This time next week, all being well, I will be on a Whizz Air flight to Budapest. I'm not sure the name of the company instils a great sense of confidence, but even so, the excitement levels are really rising now. I've spent the last couple of days shopping for the remaining random bits and bobs, like a plug (for sinks rather than electrical items) and a sleeping bag liner (for the second time as the first was lost by Amazon) and I'm getting really close to being ready now. Similar to my last trip, I again have an inordinate amount of toiletries, but I am fairly certain I can't do without any of them...! I also seem to have more clothes than I thought, but I'm sure that with a bit of Marie Kondo folding, all will fit in. For the last week and a half I've been staying at my parent's house. I'd planned this because I really wanted to spend a chunk of time with them before I went away on my trip. I'm really fortunate as unlike many of my friends I don&

*will not cry on the tube*

Today has been my last day at work (well technically yesterday was but I haven't slept yet so we'll overlook the fact it's now Saturday). It was a lovely day. Work wise, for my projects I feel like I got them and their handover as finalised as I could, and on a personal level, I had a lovely lunch with my team who gave me some beautiful gifts and cards. Then I got to say my farewells to my colleagues, some of whom joined me for drinks along with my friends this evening, which was so nice.  But this goodbye lark is hard, especially when you're saying it to your closest friends, who really are family. I'm not a particularly emotional person, and usually keep my feelings to myself, but today my mantra on the journey home after all those farewells was definitely *will not cry on the tube* 

On the move

This weekend I'm moving out of my flat. How time flies. It was three months ago that I confirmed with my landlord that I would be leaving the flat and now it's two days until everything gets moved out, and I give my keys back the day after. Access Self Storage (who will be guarding my possessions for the next year) are totally my kind of company. I confirmed the booking with them, and now they've confirmed the booking with me... TWICE! Has totally relieved the anxieties I was starting to experience for that. The removals people are a bit different in that they seemed to find me a little anal - I received the payment confirmation email when I booked and the PayPal confirmation when I paid - is that not enough? How little they know me (not that you can expect strangers to have such insights into my psyche but hey Access did it!). And so now my life is packed into boxes... It has become apparent that I have way too much stuff. The British Heart Foundation charity sho