Stationery... for days when I'm stationary

I'm not really sure where time is going at the moment. On Friday I finished my Acting Up job which seems incredible, as the last day of that seemd so far away and now it's gone. I have 3 weeks left at work before I go on annual leave prior to the career break and I know that will rush past too. This weekend I've started packing up of my flat. Have done a big chunk and so I'm feeling pretty confident that the 50 cubic feet unit will be big enough. I'd been a bit concerned about it but I called yesterday and they confirmed the unit reservation.
I've just gone through another wobble about the trip, which threw me for a bit but now I've started with the packing, it's starting to feel real and the excitement has started to build. Recently I've made a few purchases and have had birthday presents that are things for my trip which I will share with you when I go back to my parent's house (they're there and I didn't get round to taking photos of them when I was back last weekend). One thing I will share with you though is the super stylish notebook I bought to write my journal in.

It's so beautiful! But then I love stationery. I think everyone does though don't they? (if at this point you're saying 'no' you should be warned that I'm not sure we can be friends any longer). I thought the anchor was quite symbolic for me. As some of those reading this will be aware, I had cognitive behavoural therapy earlier this year, and one of the things that I found to be helpful is to write things down. On my last trip as well as writing my blog, I also kept a journal and it's the thing that I love to go back to read. So the journal will help to keep me anchored and be a wonderful reminder of my trip in years to come.


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