Mapping not napping

So, those who know me even just a little bit (it doesn't have to be well) will know that the amount of planning I have done for my upcoming trip is a little out of character compared to my usual 'organise the life out of it' self, something that is causing a level of consternation for those who are planning to pay me a visit whilst I'm away (you know who you are and yes I had realised!). So, with this weekend only 50% busy i.e. I only have plans on Saturday, I decided that Sunday will be a trip planning day. 
I worked late yet again tonight and so quite rightly believed that this gave me sufficient grounds to treat myself and for once, I didn't choose Percy Pigs and G&T cans from M&S... Instead I went to Stanfords and treated myself to these beauties!!

I already have one for Southern South America (South Southern America?) so I feel a good spreadsheet coming on and normal service resuming shortly!!


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