Everything is possible with cake

A few weeks ago I booked my storage unit but was well aware when I did so that I had a number of possessions that fall into the following categories making them unsuitable for the 50sq ft unit I've rented:
1. They mean too much to me to risk them being in storage;
2. I couldn't cope not seeing them for a year;
3. Plants;
4. Clothes and shoes!
As such, I devised a cunning plan which involved me getting the train to my parent's house on a Friday night, driving my Dad's car back to mine on the Saturday, packing up the items in the list above, driving these back to my parent's house on the Sunday morning and then getting the train back down to London on the Sunday evening. Did you follow that?!
And I enacted that plan this weekend. 
Now I do appreciate that there are still quite a number of weeks until I go away but this weekend seemed the perfect one to undertake this endeavour for a number of reasons. Firstly, I didn't have any other plans that would keep me busy elsewhere; secondly, I have been desperate to pack stuff and this was a good compromise between packing my stuff too early and not being able to get it back at all; and thirdly, it was coffee morning at the local church in Bulkington! This is a newish family tradition that I only get to enjoy if my visit home coincides with the first Saturday in the month, and as the next first Saturday is the big moving weekend, this weekend afforded me my last opportunity to have my cake and eat it! Literally! And did I do that - look at this beauty!! Delicious passion cake with amazing frosting.
Anyway, having had cake sustenance I then pootled back to London and spent the evening being concerned that I wouldn't be able to fit all my stuff in the back of the car...
But of course I did, along with my bike as well, with room to spare (which I can't show you as my pile of pants phone ran out of memory and wouldn't let me take any pictures).
Anyway, this weekend's endeavours now mean that I have approximately 8 outfits (5 work and 3 non-work) to wear for the next 7 weeks...! It also means that my parents house now looks like a jungle. Annoyingly I did manage to forget the clothes I had hanging up in my wardrobe but I have another shot at taking them back when I go home for the weekend later this month for Mum's birthday BBQ.
And so I'm now on the train back to London, not the one I'd booked as that was cancelled, but I did manage to get an earlier train than planned as a result (and get a seat!) so not all bad!
The other great thing about this trip is knowing that I now have my boxes to pack up the rest of the flat just sitting there waiting to be filled (I'd had them delivered to Mum and Dad's and brought them down with me yesterday). 
I just have to be a little self-disciplined now not to pack everything else up before the end of the month (although knowing what I'm like, I'm not overly optimistic!!).


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