
Showing posts from September, 2018

The new goals post

1 st September 2018. Officially the start of my return to work. I had originally been feeling quite happy with the luck that made this day a Saturday and so I didn’t actually have to go back into work until the 3 rd September. However, as you’ll know if you read my post yesterday, I’ve managed to get vertigo and so although I’m actually due back at work on Monday, it’s not looking likely at this point. I know that for some, their first reaction will be to think I’m faking it to delay my return, although maybe I’m being unfair and judging people by what I would be thinking! But sadly I know different, plus I’m a believer in karma so faking ill health is one of the last things I’d do! After this last year, putting work before my health is something else I’m no longer prepared to do and this feeds into the goals that I’m setting for myself for how I want to live now that my career break is over and responsibilities are creeping back into my life. So, if you hadn’t guessed, this post