
Showing posts from May, 2018

Finding the salt near Salta!

So I wrote this a while back but had such awful wifi in Puerto Iguazú I wasn't able to upload it so apologies if it reads somewhat oddly but I couldn't be bothered to modify it!! Since my last post I have been residing in the lovely town of Salta. I hadn't originally planned to come here, it's one of the places that is always recommended to visit but in my desire to not make this a 'ticking the boxes' trip, I had decided not to include it this time. However, so many people had recommended it to me along the way I decided that I needed to go there and so I shaved more time off Brazil to include it. Turned out to be a great move! Since I made the decision to go home a couple of weeks early I have just been so much happier and I'm enjoying myself again and so it's been a really great visit here.  I arrived on Friday afternoon after a 2 hour journey from Jujuy and checked into my hostel where I met Bronwyn from Australia. We sat and chatted for a while and t

Another three places: Santiago del Estero, Tucumán and Jujuy. We'll be back to single instalments again soon, I promise!

It feels like ages since my last post about the places I've visited but when I looked, it's only been a week. I guess that's because it's been a fairly difficult week. Travelling wise, it's been pretty uneventful, but emotionally it has been a hard one. As I mentioned previously, this trip has been somewhat challenging because of the news I've received throughout it and as a result a seed got planted in my head that I wanted to go home. I tried to get rid of it but to no avail, it stuck. Anyway, this week it blossomed and so I decided there was no point staying here if I really wasn't happy as the last thing I want is to be miserable for the remainder of my time here and have that ruin my trip so far, which has been awesome. So to cut a long story short, which involves missing out the challenges of changing a reward flight ticket (no longer flying home with BA!) I'm now heading home 12 days early. It's not a huge amount of time and for a long while I