
Showing posts from April, 2018

Buenos Aires, the return!

Firstly, can I apologise for two things: 1. The lack of photos in my last post. There was a problem with the wifi in my last place and I thought they'd loaded, but they obviously didn't. I've reuploaded them and if an email isn't sent to you, the link to see them is:  2. The poor spelling and grammar lately. I'm having real problems with my little keyboard, in particular T is becoming very temperamental. I do check them, but obviously the beer didn't help with the review of the last post! For the last few days I've been back in Buenos Aires, where this trip started! Had a horrible journey here as the bus was so old and rickety. It rained all the way here and the bus leaked really badly! Thank heavens it wasn't anywhere near full as we all had to keep moving as new areas started leaking - the upper floor turned into a lake that much water came in!! It was

Mar del Plata to Tandil, where I finally found the cows!!

Despite the fact that you know it's going to make you tired, a beer in the afternoon never fails to seem like a good idea. Today is no exception and so it's a sleepy me writing my post about Mar del Plata and Tandil. I'm putting the two together because I only spent one night in Mar del Plata and can't generate enough content to make a separate post for there worth it. I arrived in Mar del Plata after a 16 hour bus journey and was super lucky as the hostel let me check in at 10am! Thankfully I wasn't in the bedroom long before heading into the shower as two minutes after I got into the bathroom I heard this almighty crash and the window above the door to my room had fallen out and landed just where I'd been standing! Eek! So straight away I was moved rooms and everything continued as normal!  Mar del Plata is one of Argentina's coastal resorts and according to my hostel owner there is a lot of stuff to do around the city but given I spent way more time in Ch

My wonderful wildlife and Welsh extravaganza in Puerto Madryn!!

My last posts I wrote whilst in Rio Gallegos. This was the stop off point between Ushuaia and Puerto Madryn for me. I really would like to be able to tell you that it was a fun and exciting place, but I really can't. Even Lonely Planet doesn't give you any recommendations for things to do there. It has three listings for accommodation and food and that's it. I did look at TripAdvisor and found there was an art gallery, but it was closed when I went there. So there's not a lot more I can say about it!  Oh, I did find a bug spray that said it killed Chinches so I bought a can and sprayed everything again. I about killed myself in the process inhaling the fumes and the problem now is that I smell like old ladies. Thank heavens I brought Febreze with me on this trip! My bus from Rio Gallegos left at 8pm at night and in a place where there is nothing to do, filling the 10 hours from checkout to the bus journey was a bit of a challenge! After visiting two coffee shops I was s